Caring with Dignity
We start with a foundation of dignified care for our neighbors, focused on a human-centered approach. We ask the question, “Would your mom want to eat that? Wear that? Call that clean?” If not, then we start over.
We serve more than 2,500 meals each week.
Our individual showers provide personal, private space for our guests to shower alone.
Staff and volunteers gladly launder clothes for our guests.
We distribute more than 1,800 clothing and hygiene items weekly.

Connecting Intentionally
We are intentional in our process of connecting individuals vertically to the Lord and horizontally to the Body of Christ and professional service providers.
Street Outreach
Our street outreach teams visit and minister to more than 50 homeless neighbors each week.
Collaboration With Other Homeless Agencies
We are a member of the All Neighbors Coalition, partnering with morethan 150 local service providers to share best practices, resources, and work toward solutions together.
Weekly Church Services, Bible Studies, and Recovery Classes
We provide voluntary opportunities for people to grow in relationship with God.

Creating Healthy Community
We want each neighbor to be in healthy community, where they are valued and recognize their own value within the community.
Placements off the Street
In 2024, we helped people exit homelessness 1,376 times through long-term strategies that addressed their needs holistically.
Through the help of individuals, businesses, and churches, we welcome about 3,500 volunteers every year to love our neighbors and model healthy community.