OurCalling gladly accepts new and gently used clothing items, new undergarments for adults, backpacks, and belts. Currently, our biggest needs are pants, sneakers, backpacks, and belts. Please, no furniture, household items, or food.
Host a resource drive for OurCalling! We are excited to work with you to create a fun and educational resource drive.
Easy Donation Drop-off
Items can be dropped off at OurCalling’s facility:
1702 S Cesar Chavez Blvd. Dallas, TX 75215
Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30pm
Saturday 8:00-1:30pm
Upon arrival, pull into our back parking lot where the sign indicates ‘Donations and Volunteer Parking.’ Ring our doorbell, and a member of our staff will help you unload your vehicle. Tax receipts are available.